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What mode of payment should you employ to pay the rent in Qingdao ?
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Qingdao,  Shandong  266000
China    (map)
China County
Price:  ¥2,500.00  CNY
Size: 700 SqFt
Property Type: Apartment
Bedrooms: 1   |  Bathrooms: 1
Taxes: ¥ 0.00

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User Details   User Since: 6/17/2012  |   Ads Posted: 245

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Some of my clients are confused by the modes of rent payment when they rent a new place . I know in some other countries , you can employ the monthly payment to pay the rent , no matter how long you will live , but it is really different in China , maybe the truth sucks , but , the truth is the truth .
For instance , now you decide to rent a one bedroom apartment from January 1 to December 31, 70 sqm , 2500 rmb per month , how should you pay the rent ?
Generally , if the landlord is amicable enough , you can employ half a year pay mode , that means , when you sign the leasing contract you should pay half a year’s rent (15000 rmb)and the security deposit (generally ,as much as one month rent, 2500 rmb ) on January 1 , and then you should pay the rest half a year’s rent on the fifth month (May 1 ) , and when you two finish the contract on December 31 , the landlord will return the security deposit to you if you haven’t broken the landlord’s stuff in the apartment .
That’s the most popular mode of payment in China , especially in Qingdao . Sometimes , some landlords will insist on the yearly payment .
Is there a better mode of payment ? generally , it is really hard to find a better way ,unless you are lucky enough and meet a incredible amicable landlord, you maybe have other choices .
But , if you need just a room instead of an entire apartment , that means , you would share an apartment with other tenants , the modes of payment are more flexible , and maybe you can employ the monthly payment .
That’s the truth about mode of payment of rent in Qingdao .

MLS #:   20130512
Garage Size: 1 Car

Home Rentals
Kaka Zhao

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