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Qingdao detached villa: need a detached villa? Please feel free to call me for all your needs!
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Qingdao,  Shandong  266000
China    (map)
Price:  $2,380.00  USD
Size: 4800 SqFt
Property Type: Single Family House
Bedrooms: 6   |  Bathrooms: 2
Taxes: $ 0.00

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User Details   User Since: 6/17/2012  |   Ads Posted: 245

Property Description
Located in the Shi Lao Ren sightseeing area this elegant environment has a wonderful landscape and convenient transportation. There is the Shi Lao Ren garden, Shi Lao Ren beach, rainforest valley, Hundred birds forest, Laoshan Scenic Area and so on in the surrounding area.
This Villa is a private single villa with a total of two stories. In front there is the beach at and low tide the beach can be camped on. With a quiet and beautiful environment it is a really good choice for a tourist residence. You can rent a single room in this villa or you can also book a whole floor for a party.
Water, electricity, air conditioning, broadband, water heaters, etc. fully furnished and kitchen. If you are interested please call me (1-5-0-0-6-4-8-0-5-5-0)or send me an email at (zhaokaka“at”-y-a-h-o-o-.-c-o-m)

MLS #:   20121029
Garage Size: 1 Car

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Kaka Zhao

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